For those of you on the West side of Portland, you may be lucky enough to live near a Thriftway. This week's ad includes a coupon for FREE Western Family cottage cheese, FREE Coke, Pepsi or 7-Up 2-liter, buy-3-get-3-free Kellogg's cereals (participating cereals listed in ad) making 6 boxes $12. Also, on the back of the "This Week" front section of the Food Day there is a coupon for 1 dozen Western Family eggs for $.19! All coupons (except the cereal one) are with minimum $10 purchase, but the cost of the "free" item before coupon counts towards that minimum. You do NOT have to buy $10 worth of groceries for each coupon. And the $10 is BEFORE your other manufacturer coupons, too.
Be careful with Thriftway - prices on other items that are not their "loss leaders" are quite high. Go in with your list of sale items to buy and don't stray from it!
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