According to Old Navy, their weekly coupon hunting site, oldnavyweekly.com, will be updated sometime today - that leaves just one hour! There will be 3000 of the $75 off $100 coupons, and lots of other great ones, too.
Good luck finding yours!
A compilation of great finds from the web - freebies, great deals and other fun things.
Hi Kris,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to give all our fab fans a heads up that OldNavyWeekly.com will be having a little maintenance done this week. But not to worry, we’ll be back later this week with hot new SuperModelquin gossip and all the fun of coupon hunting!
This week at OldNavyWeekly.com, we wanna know if your heart is as big as your closet—because we’re hiding that fab $75 off $100 coupon again and we’re wondering if you can bring yourself to gift it to a friend on Facebook instead of keeping it for your stylish self.
Remember, you can gift one to a friend and keep a coupon of a different value for yourself, so your generosity is still rewarded!
Nicole D.
Brand Advocate working on behalf of Old Navy
You have become quite the professional coupon hunter—so we’ve got a few tricks up our stylish sleeves this week.
ReplyDeleteWe know you’ve discovered that the expiration dates on the coupons are a giveaway for when the site launches the following week.
But not this time! We’re going to keep you on your pretty little toes. So, print out any coupons you’ve already found and be ready to begin hunting for more fab $75 coupons at any moment this week.
Good luck!
Nicole D.
Brand Advocate working on behalf of Old Navy